Cybersecurity Consulting Services For Community Bankers
We don’t want to HACK your bank. 
We want to HELP your bank. 
Tired of geeks with more attitude than experience?
Looking for a professional approach to the cybersecurity challenges your bank faces?
Confused by what the regulators are asking of your bank as it relates to cybersecurity?
The newest Internet technology. Connection. Cybersecurity.Safety Internet

At Sawyers & Jacobs LLC, members of our team have been helping community banks with cybersecurity issues since the turn of the century.  We have several clients who have engaged our team members to perform their Cybersecurity Assessment and IT Audit for 16 years straight.
Can we hack your bank and disrupt your operation, just to show you we can?  Most likely, yes.  Is this a helpful approach that has value for the bank?  No, not at all.
Our Cybersecurity Consulting Services include:
  • Cybersecurity Assessment
  • IT Audit/Review
  • Penetration Testing (Internal and External)
  • Social Engineering
  • Vulnerability Scanning (Internal and External)
  • Cybersecurity Education (Customer, Board, Employee)
  • Security Awareness Training
  • Website Vulnerability Scanning
  • Work Area Reviews
  • Physical Security Reviews
  • Monthly Spear Phishing Tests
  • Cybersecurity Risk Assessment
  • GLBA Information Security Risk Assessment
  • Vendor Management Risk Assessment
  • Cybersecurity Program & Policies
  • Information Security Program & Policies
  • Regulatory Examination Support
We identify risk and help your bank mitigate risk; however, we do not tell you how to run your bank.  It’s your ship!  We shoot straight but we realize banking is a business that requires tough decisions regarding risk management every day.  Many of our team members are former community bankers.  This experience helps us bring a real-world perspective to the complex issue of cybersecurity.
Clearly, cybersecurity is a business issue and one of the most significant challenges your bank will face in the near future.  Ignoring cybersecurity threats is not an option. Paralyzing the bank with fear instead of action is counterproductive. Cybersecurity risk can be mitigated in a practical, affordable manner with the right approach.
If you are ready for a professional, community bank-oriented approach to Cybersecurity Consulting Services, call or text us today at 901.487.2575 for a free consultation to discuss your bank and its unique needs (or email
Making Banks Better   The newest Internet technology. Connection. Cybersecurity.Geo technology
Sawyers & Jacobs LLC helps banks in five major areas: Technology Planning, Cybersecurity, Risk Management, Network Solutions, and Business Continuity. Our mission is to help our clients use technology securely, effectively, and profitably to better serve their customers, comply with laws and regulations, contain costs, and compete. Making Banks Better™.  To learn more, visit, call 901.487.2575, or email