
The RiskRaptor™

Vendor Management Program

A 14-Point program for bankers

 who are serious yet practical about

vendor management


Features & Benefits

Program and Policies…Done!
This 14-Point Vendor Management Program provides oversight of the Bank’s critical vendors in accordance with current banking laws, regulations, and guidelines.  The program allows Bank management to establish sound business practices regarding vendor evaluation, selection, and management.

Annual Reviews and Assessments…Done!
Let our team take the burden off bank personnel saddled with the time-consuming and complex task of monitoring vendor health, stability, security, and related risk.  Vendor Financial Reviews, SOC Report Reviews, Vendor Management Risk Assessments, and Contingency Vendor Identification are all facilitated by our experts in a practical and professional manner with solid documentation suitable for board presentation.

Examination Prep…Done!
We include regulatory guidance on Vendor Management so applicable laws, regulations, and guidelines can be easily referenced with actions taken to comply and compete.

Learn more here.

Introducing RiskRaptor™